Thursday, April 14, 2011

Comments for Kids # 9

Mrs. Yollis Classroom Blog

Mrs. Yollis is a third grade teacher in California. She has just recently finished her Master’s degree in Integrating Technology in the Classroom. What a neat degree. When she is not teaching, Mrs. Yollis is traveling and learning more to bring back to her classroom. Mrs. Yollis is a very inspiring teacher. The following is about her classroom blog and a glimpse into her classroom and all the information she is providing the world. Please feel free to click here to look at her blog first hand.

Meet the Bloggers!

This her class. She has twenty-two third graders. Eleven girls and eleven boys. How neat to have an even number of each! Her students have many hobbies and they list them on their page but their favorite thing is blogging!

Video: How to Comment

This is a video for Mrs. Yollis’ visitors. It teaches the readers of the classroom blog how to comment on the blog page. This is a very useful resource. There are many visitors that, this is their very first time even looking at a blog. What a great way to teach them how to navigate through the blog and leave their positive and encouraging comments for these third graders.

Learn HTML Code!

This a page full of ways to use HTML codes. Dr. Strange gave us a link to Mrs. Yollis earlier in the semester to teach us how to use HTML codes. I have to say that without Mrs. Yollis and Dr. Strange I would have no idea how to use these codes. I am still learning new ones and how to use them. They are very resourceful tools to use when blogging.

Learn About California!

This is a video about the state Mrs. Yollis’ and her students live in. The video gives you insight to the state of California. Mrs. Yollis hits all the high points. The the state’s population, information about their governer, the fact that California is the 31st state, the state flowers, birds and even an insect. She also gives the two largest tourist areas, Disneyland and Hollywood! This is a wonderful addition to the blog especially for people who do not know anything about the state of California.

Learn How to Shoot Great Digital Images

This is a great tutorial for students to learn how to use a still camera and video camera correctly. Students are always eager to use these instruments and really need some sort of training to do so. This is even great for adults.

Mrs. Yollis’ blog is very useful and informative tool for not only students but adults too. I have been really inspired by this blog to have one for my own class one day. I would love to create one that is not only useful to my students and parents but for other family members of the students and teachers.

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